Greg Schwab Art
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Flight of the Baldpate - 24 X 30 Acrylic on Stretched Canvas with Gallery Wrap Blue Border

Flight of the Baldpate

24 X 30 Acrylic on Stretched Canvas with Gallery Wrap Blue Border

The artist wanted to capture a widgeon in flight. He chose to represent the motion of the duck loosely, yet with the color of flight. The widgeon, also known as the “Baldpate”, was so named for the white patch on the forehead of the males. This bald spot is usually difficult to see while the bird is in flight. The Baldpate has a distinct whimsical whistle. The bird is shown just after having taken flight from the water, flapping furiously.
But at your rebuke the waters fled,
at the sound of your thunder they took to flight;

Psalm 104:6-8
